YouTube has removed a new video uploaded to President Trump’s account for violating the company’s content policies on inciting violence. The account has also been issued a “strike” and is unable to upload new content for at least a week.

It’s presently unclear exactly which video prompted the action on Trump’s account, or what the offending material was. YouTube declined to provide specific details on the video’s content.

“After careful review, and in light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, we removed new content uploaded to the Donald J. Trump channel and issued a strike for violating our policies for inciting violence.” YouTube says in a statement to The Verge.

“As a result, our long-standing strikes system prevents the channel from uploading new videos or livestreams for a minimum of seven days — which may be extended.”

YouTube also removed content from the White House’s official channel. Two videos on the White House’s official YouTube page earlier today — one where Trump was speaking to reporters, and another where he was making remarks at the border wall — have since been removed.

Youtube Removes Trump Video Addressing Capitol Attack

YouTube has removed a video from President Donald Trump addressing a mob attack on the Capitol today because the president repeats false information about the outcome of the 2020 election, The Verge has learned.

The company will allow Trump’s message to appear in other creators’ videos if there is proper educational or news context; basically, if people are talking about Trump’s message as part of a makeover greater point, YouTube will allow it to remain up.

The removal comes after YouTube instituted a new policy update in December 2020 that forbids any content alleging widespread voter fraud that impacted the results of the 2020 presidential election. In Trump’s new video, posted to Twitter and Facebook, he continued to spread misinformation about the 2020 election, calling the results fraudulent.

Youtube Removes Trump Video Addressing Capitol Attack

He also used the video to call on rioters to “go home” following hours of the attack. Trump did not denounce any violence that occurred today. Twitter initially placed restrictions on his video, preventing people from liking, retweeting, or replying to Trump’s original post. Twitter cited “risks of violence” as the reason.

Some time later, Twitter removed the video and two other tweets, saying they violated its rules. Trump’s post on Facebook initially received a label saying, “The US has laws, procedures, and established institutions to ensure the integrity of our elections,” but it has since removed it completely.

President Trump “Openly & Uncaringly” Rooting for Families’ Health Care to “Implode”

Murray highlights impact of President Trump’s decision to cancel critical outreach efforts ahead of open enrollment period starting Nov 1, causing unnecessary consumer confusion, anxiety

Senator Murray on Senate floor: “Good news” is bipartisan bill with Chairman Alexander would tie President Trump’s hand on sabotage & protect families from higher premiums

Senator Murray: “I would once again urge the Majority Leader to allow our legislation to get a vote…there’s no reason to wait—there’s absolutely no excuse for inaction”

ICYMI: Seattle Times: “A summer assault on the Affordable Care Act by the Trump Administration and Congress has confused consumers”

President Trump “Openly & Uncaringly” Rooting for Families’ Health Care to “Implode”

ICYMI: Government watchdog Investigation, requested by Senator Murray, confirms Trump Administration cut outreach for 2017 open enrollment period without any analysis of impact on patients & families

Another rival could be on verge of being vanquished by Trump

MIAMI – This is suppose to be the cornerstone of Marco Rubio’s political base — the iconic spot where conservative, anti-Castro Cubans have gathered for decades.

Instead there’s an ominous whiff around the coffee stand at Cafe Versailles, as the hometown boy risks having his presidential campaign roast and toast Tuesday.

A woman brushed off Rubio organizers who exited an old Volkswagen van decorated in campaign signs when it pulled up to the landmark in Miami’s Little Havana the other day

Another elderly woman elbowed her way around them to get to the counter so she could order a sweet, caffeine-packed cup of cafecito. When asked whether she supported Rubio, she offered a curt, one-word reply: “No.”

Another rival could be on verge of being vanquished by Trump

It’s been that kind of month for the young senator. He’d appeared poised to gobble up supporters and campaign cash after older rivals dropped out, but has failed to dent Donald Trump.

Now he’s in danger of losing his home state — he’s almost 20 points behind Trump in the polls, as the bombastic billionaire hopes to establish a stranglehold on the Republican nomination.

Trump, Putin, and the Future of US-Russian Relations

This article traces the structural roots of the current crisis in US-Russia relations (the weakening of US hegemony and the resurgence of Russian power), and chronicles the series of contingencies that accompanied Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency and his chaotic first few months in office.

The details of Russia’s influence over the results of the election through the release of hacked Democratic Party emails, and over the composition and policy of the new Trump Administration, are still emerging.

Trump, Putin, and the Future of US-Russian Relations

However, the chances of a “grand bargain” between Trump and Putin look increasingly remote. Russia’s efforts to dabble in American politics seem to have blown back, and made rapprochement between Moscow and Washington more difficult. This is unfortunate, since cooperation between the two sides to resolve a number of pressing global problems, from the wars in Ukraine and Syria to climate change, is urgently need.

We’re On The Verge Of Breakdown a data scientist’s take on Trump and Biden

Peter Turchin is not the first entomologist to cross over to human behaviour: during a lecture in 1975, famed biologist E O Wilson had a pitcher of water tipped on him for extrapolating the study of ant social structures to our own.

It’s a reaction that Turchin, an expert-on-pine-beetles-turned-data-scientist and modeller, has yet to experience. But his studies at the University of Connecticut into how human societies evolve have gained wider currency; in particular, an analysis that interprets worsening social unrest in the 2020s as an intra-elite battle for wealth and status.

We're On The Verge Of Breakdown a data scientist's take on Trump and Biden

The politically motivated rampage at the US Capitol fits squarely into Turchin’s theory. In a 2010 paper, Dynamics of political instability in the United States, 1780-2010, Turchin wrote that “labour oversupply leads to falling living standards and elite overproduction, and those, in turn, cause a wave of prolonged and intense sociopolitical instability.”


YouTube isn’t the only company taking a harsher stance against President Trump after yesterday’s attack and in the lead up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. Twitter banned the president outright last week.

Facebook initially prevented Trump from posting to Facebook and Instagram for 24 hours, before CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced even stricter measures on Thursday morning that include indefinitely suspending his account for at least the next weeks.