Night Sweats And Anxiety Can Be Very Unpleasant.

Nervousness You may experience sweats while sleeping and wake up in soaking wet pajamas, or you may feel hot to the point of sweating even though the room temperature is average.

The truth is that sweating is a necessary and adaptive response to increased temperature, as it helps to cool the body when it is hot outside or when exercising. But sweating excessively, even without exercise or temperature changes, can indicate excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.

Particular symptoms of psychological disorders, such as anxiety, cause this excess sweating. In turn, night sweats often cause stress if they significantly interfere with daily life, creating a vicious cycle.

Night sweats can appear on a one-off or continuous basis and can be preceded or accompanied by an escalation in anxiety, nervousness, or fear symptoms.

In addition, they usually present with variations in intensity and may be mild, moderate or severe. Sometimes the episodes start unpredictably, which causes more distress to those who suffer from them.

Night Sweat: Main Causes And Relationship With Anxiety

Faced with excessive night sweats repeatedly, we must rule out medical causes, including infections, medication side effects, diabetes, neurological diseases, hormonal changes such as menopause, or even some tumors.

However, in most cases, this increase in night sweats responds to anxiety. They are likely triggered as a reaction to stress, as anxiety triggers a specific response to danger.

This reaction immediately generates physiological, psychological and emotional changes in the body, directed towards the flight or fight against a perceived threat. The heart races. The breathing pattern changes, and there tends to sweat more than expected.

Another possible cause of cold sweats is the anxiety caused by nightmares since. The fear experienced during these dreams activates the nervous system response. In turn, living in stressful conditions will cause you more nightmares than usual.

Nervousness Although sweat is usually a mechanism of the human body designed to regulate body temperature. It is no less accurate that emotions, such as fear, can stimulate its secretion. Hence, sweat production can significantly increased in periods of high levels of emotional stress or anxiety. Keep in mind that anxiety directly affects the sympathetic nervous system, which sends the necessary signals to the sweat glands, specifically the eccrine glands, which are the most directly related to the thermoregulatory system of the skin.

That In Extended Situations Of Nervousness,

The nervous system understands this situation as a threat. It reacts by activating its defense systems, increasing blood flow where it is most need, which generates a rise in temperature due to vasoconstriction of the blood vessels. And in this situation, the sympathetic nervous system activates sweat production to cool the body.

Excessive Sweating As A Result Of Nervousness Can Occur At Any Time Of The Day

If you have a panic attack, it occurs more frequently at night since nightmares and irregular sleep  frequent, increasing anxiety levels.

Night fluids consider one more symptom of generalized anxiety, although they can respond to many other causes. But in this type of patient, it is usual that they find the sheets and pillow dampened by sweat when they wake up. With proper treatment of the anxiety disorder (medical and psychological), these episodes will decrease. A Series of measures should prevent their occurrence or at least reduce their frequency and intensity.

Environmental Temperature.

Keep in mind that the heat favors night sweats, so it is crucial to keep the room at a mild temperature (18-20º), not overload the bed with clothes and use light pajamas’ made with fabrics that facilitate perspiration. (cotton) or do not stimulate sweating, as with many synthetic fibers.

  • Drink sufficient liquids to keep your build hydrated.
  • Performing some intense physical activity hours before bedtime helps reduce stress.
  • Shower before bed. It is relaxing and helps reduce stress.
  • Performing relaxation exercises before or when you go to bed will help you fall asleep quickly and reduce anxiety levels.
  • If night sweats have occur and this prevents you from falling asleep again. It is best to get up and do some relaxing activity until you feel sleepy again. Staying in bed can increase anxiety.